A Twin Mama’s Story: Unprepared for Postpartum

A Twin Mama's Story by Tijana, founder of Flourishing Postpartum

Tijana, Twin Mama, Postpartum Doula and Founder of Flourishing Postpartum

Tijana’s thoughts on postpartum:

“A birth experience can last hours, but postpartum is months. So, why do we spend so much time planning for the birth with little time on postpartum?”

A Twin Mama’s Story, by Tijana:

With an easy pregnancy I thought I was totally prepared to welcome our twins, turns out I missed a few important things.

I learned a lot along the way as we navigated raising twins without support and how important a village and a plan are to the postpartum period.

As a trained postpartum doula and twin mama, I have seen it all. I know how important it is to have a postpartum plan BEFORE the baby arrives.

I offer virtual postpartum doula support, postpartum planning and lots of insights, tips, and my personal story online. Helping mamas feel confident and supported in the fourth trimester is my goal!

Flourishing Postpartum - A twin mama's story

The Journey to Becoming a Postpartum Doula

How did I become a postpartum doula?

Well, my twins turned one years old and started napping for 3 hours a day. For the first time I had a moment to focus on me.

I knew I wanted to help mamas feel prepared for postpartum since I was so unprepared. How unprepared was I? Well, let me tell you.

I think my easy pregnancy tricked me into thinking everything would be ok. 

My pregnancy book only had a small postpartum chapter that mainly focused on the baby and told me to trust myself. I thought I was prepared, the cute nursery was all set up, two change stations in the house, all the adorable matching baby outfits, what else would I need? 

Everything for postpartum seemed to focus on the baby. I had checked off all the lists and we were ready for them. Except I forgot the most important piece, ME!

Flourishing Postpartum - a twin mama's story, NICU

The Twins Arrive

Our twins came flying into this world at 34 weeks 5 days. We ended up having an emergency cesarean even though I was in labor.

Evie and Poppy were immediately whisked away to the NICU, where they would stay for 2.5 weeks.

Here is the first thing I was unprepared for, not holding my babies after they were born. I thought this was a given. Doesn’t every new mama get to hold her babies?

I was wheeled into the NICU and looked at them through their incubators. Not how I imagined meeting them for the first time.

Then there was the NICU, how did no one prepare me for this and basically assume they’d come around 37 weeks?

The NICU is intense. As a parent you must scrub in, take off all outside clothing and wipe down water bottles and phones with a strong cleaner. This is not a regular experience.

NICU parents are so strong to have to leave their baby, not getting to hold them whenever they want and maybe struggling with bonding or breastfeeding. I believe every parent of multiples should be prepared for what a NICU visit looks like, not to scare anyone but to give them an idea of what being in the NICU looks like.

Flourishing Postpartum - A twin mama's story, Evie and Poppy

Coming Home with Evie and Poppy

After coming home, I didn’t know how alone I’d be.

My husband’s time off ended as the girls came home from the NICU. Newborns sleep a lot, so the grandparents didn’t stay. We hadn’t hired a postpartum doula or night nurse. I thought I could do it all. I COULDN’T!

By the time I realized I needed help, it was too late. 

The year was 2020 and unless you were already working with help you couldn’t hire anyone.

Being alone, trying to navigate preemies, learning to breastfeed twins, was extremely difficult. My husband worked full time, so I was basically alone from 7pm when Evie and Poppy went to sleep until 4:30pm the next day when my husband Mark came home.

I didn’t have the proper support. My husband and I didn’t plan for nights and once Evie and Poppy were here it was too hard to say what I needed and we were simply doing our best.

The few freezer meals I had lasted less than a week. I never had a break or help or anyone to talk to. Mommy and me classes were not running. Nothing was online yet. None of our family or friends were coming to visit.

Why I Became a Postpartum Doula

I understand my story is unique, with twins, an emergency cesarean, NICU stay and a pandemic. After the experience of being unprepared, I never wanted another new mama to feel this way.

So, I decided to become a postpartum doula to help mamas feel confident, supported, and prepared for the fourth trimester.

I want to take away any worry, stress or anxiety so the postpartum period can be a beautiful, calm and joyous time for mamas. By planning for postpartum with a mama in mind, we are taking care of the biggest piece of the puzzle.

When mamas have meals in their freezer, time for self care, a support system and knowledge of how their body is healing, they have time to focus on their new baby.

Join the Flourishing Postpartum Community

Mama, I am here for you!

If you want to find out more about Tijana and Flourishing Postpartum you can here.

I think a lot of new mamas don’t know what kind of support they will need until the baby arrives. This is why I created the Flourishing Postpartum Plan so that mamas can prepare BEFORE the baby arrives and have a guidebook to help them navigate the fourth trimester.

Click here to download my free Breastfeeding Ebook.

I can’t wait to help you plan for postpartum!


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Click here to get started! Planning for two-can be so much fun!™

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