Easy Tips for Potty Training Twins in 3 Days the Simple Way

I don’t know about you, but potty training twins was one of my most dreaded milestones right from the start. I think when I found out I was pregnant with two, I was scared of how delivery would go, and then the next thing I was terrified of was potty training!

Not only did I face my fear and overcome it, I was able to take what I learned and create a course to help other twin parents potty train their twins and make it easy.

Potty training twins in 3 days the simple way with our new course Two-Can Poo: Potty Training Twins Made Simple

Potty Training Twins in 3 Days

Here are 5 things you can do to simplify the potty training process with your twins. Doing these 5 things will make your journey so much smoother. Planning ahead is half the battle. Get prepared and you can tackle it with grace.

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Two-Can Poo: Potty Training Twins Made Simple!

5 Game-Changing Tips for Potty Training Twins

1. Get into the right mindset

Kick everything you’ve ever told yourself about how hard potty training seems or sounds like it’s going to be based on what you’ve heard from others to the curb.

I made the mistake of dreading the experience based on what horror stories I had heard from others. And most of the potty training stories I heard were only based on one toddler. I thought, if it is that hard with one child, I’m never going to manage two!

But, the truth is, once I got into the right mindset about the experience (I called a potty training pro to walk me through the process in order to accomplish this) potty training twins was nowhere near as difficult or as messy as I thought it was going to be.

If you have a strategy and a plan in place, you’ll start to tell yourself you’re capable of doing this and it’s going to be fun. Then you can start believing it. Your experience will be a lot more successful with a positive attitude once you feel prepared.

2. Prep your home for potty training twins

Once you have the supplies and a plan to transform your home into a potty training palace, you will feel confident in tackling potty training.

Get your list of supplies together, make sure you have two training potties (I recommend getting two of the exact same potty and color to avoid any fights) we like this one from BabyBjorn.

Waterproof everything! I have waterproof crib sheets, mattress covers and puppy pads ready to go. I also swapped out some of our rugs for smaller, washable kind. Anything I can do to make cleanup easier, takes the stress off my plate.

Get your bathroom stools, potty seats for on the adult potty (match the kind your caregivers use if this applies to you, in order to make the transition go smoother)

And don’t forget to grab some potty training day activities!

Here is our complete list of potty training supplies we loved >

3. Create a potty training schedule

I actually set aside a handful of days to focus on potty training twins only. For those few days that is all I did. I took off work and made it a special occasion. With this intense focus it was just what we needed in order to have it “sink in”. The girls did really well with this focused approach.

We made it fun and we had all of the activities ready to go that I had pre-planned out.

I did decide to potty train both of my twins together at the same time. One caught on quicker than the other, but that was okay. I just kept repeating the process until she got the hang of it.

4. Think outside the box to handle regressions

Inevitably our twins may encounter some potty training tribulations. There are things that can cause them to experience a regression. Sometimes it could be they just need a little more attention and having an accident on purpose will definitely get them that. (all attention good or negative still = attention in their eyes).

Anytime accidents started to happen, I take a step back to think about what has been going on that day or that week. Did something change? Are they having a rough time? Big emotions? How can we make it right? Most of the time, doing a little analyzing of the bigger picture can get us right back on track.

There are actually other very specific things that we look for too, that I cover here in this training. Check out Two-Can Poo: Potty Training Twins Made Simple!

5. Plan ahead for smoother travel and transitions outside the home

Once my twins were initially potty trained, I then decided that venturing outside the house would be an option. I wanted to make sure they had the fundamentals down first. Then, I did everything in my power to have the supplies we needed with us whenever we traveled anywhere!

Travel potty seat? Check. Change of clothes? Check. Wipes, sanitizer, waterproof bag, puppy pads..Check and check!

Another tip: when your twins are first potty trained they won’t be able to give you a very long heads up when they have to go. If you are driving and you hear one say they need to potty, pull over. Then have the training potty ready.

Still not convinced that potty training twins will be easy?

It’s okay. I wasn’t convinced either. Remember how I said in the beginning that I called a potty training expert? She calmed my nerves. Walked me through some scenarios. Then, the rest was up to me. But, I felt prepared. And that made ALL the difference.

Now, I’ve created an online training that can help you be better prepared, too! And, it’s tailored specifically for twins.

It goes way more in depth than the 5 little tips I’ve shared here today. There are 20 how-to videos along with a potty chart and printable activities waiting for you inside. Click on this link to learn more about it.

Now you can ditch the overwhelm and tackle potty training twins with confidence!

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