Twin Baby Registry Featured in Top 10 Brilliant Business Ideas from Entrepreneurial Women

The Story Exchange recently published an article featuring their Top 10 Brilliant Business Ideas from Entrepreneurial Women for 2024. We are honored that Twin Baby Registry® made that list!

We’ll share some of the highlights from their article, below.

Twin Baby Registry Makes Top 10 Brilliant Business Ideas from Entrepreneurial Women for 2024

Brilliant Business Ideas

From durable, chic umbrellas constructed out of ocean-bound plastic to a suitcase designed with frequent fliers in mind, the women making waves on the entrepreneurial world this year are nothing short of amazing.

This recognition highlights innovative and impactful companies founded by women, showcasing ideas that are set to revolutionize various industries. It’s not hard to see what makes them brilliant business ideas.

Our inclusion in this 2024 list is a testament to the hard work and dedication that goes into making Twin Baby Registry a valuable resource for parents of twins.

The article emphasizes how these entrepreneurial women are not only creating tomorrow’s next big thing today but also building a more inclusive and empowered future for everyone.

Check out the article to see how Twin Baby Registry and other pioneering businesses are making life easier, smoother, and a bit cuter for us all. We’re proud to be part of such an inspiring group of women-led startups!

Read the full article here: The Story Exchange Article.

In 2020, a pregnant Shelby Thomas was dealing with not just the pandemic but another unexpected life twist: She had twin girls on the way.

And she found she lacked access to a good support system of other moms who had experience with twins.

After her girls were born, she realized she could couple her background in creative marketing with her new experience as a twin mom, and turn it into something other expecting moms desperately needed: Twin Baby Registry.

Today, the Caddo Mills, Texas-based mompreneur is committed to making planning for twins stress-free and fun, by helping expecting parents navigate the planning process. And to ensure that her customers have more than just the products they need, Thomas has also created a twin mom support community to provide additional guidance and encouragement.

The Story Exchange

Editor’s Note: Twin Baby Registry has been named to The Story Exchange’s 2024 list of 10 Brilliant Business Ideas.

A Baby Registry for Parents Expecting Twins – An Interview with The Story Exchange

Shelby Thomas founded Twin Baby Registry to help other families with double bundles of joy on the way.

Read my interview with The Story Exchange, below!

How is your business different from others in your industry?

Baby registries are primarily designed for parents expecting a single baby. There is not another fully functioning baby registry just for twins in the industry right now.

Tell us about your biggest success so far. 

Launching. Designing and building the business concept took two years. So when we finally launched, that was a huge accomplishment. I believe success is when you find a way to use your talents to serve others. When you finally figure out your calling and what you were meant to do, it’ll feel like when the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes in one day. 

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?

Figuring out a strategy for how to reach my niche customer base of moms expecting twins. To address this, I’ve been networking and collaborating with other twin mom influencers, support groups, and twin mom entrepreneurs to bring our knowledge together to better serve our community.

My big picture goal is to be the go-to registry and support community that expectant mothers automatically think of when they find out they are having twins. So I’m focused on building brand awareness. Eventually, I’d like to be able to do brand collaborations with baby gear companies who would like to partner with me to provide the best products suited for twins. 

Have you experienced any significant personal situations that have affected your business decisions?

I plan my business around my family. This mentality dictates how I run my business. If something is going to take too much of my attention away from my family, I won’t do it. They always come first. 

What is your biggest tip for other startup entrepreneurs? 

Join as many support communities for entrepreneurs as you can. Learn from everyone. Listen to podcasts that fuel your mind with positive thinking and actionable strategies. Consistency is key to everything and it is something I have to work at every single day. Also, when the day is done, stop working. Set it aside and focus on your home life. 

How do you find inspiration on your darkest days?

I listen to a good podcast, take a walk outside, give my husband and girls a hug and take a break from work if I need to. We all need time to refuel.

What is your go-to song to get motivated on tough days?

“Get Along” by Kenny Chesney. It’s a good reminder of what matters.

Who is your most important role model?

I really admire my husband’s grit and work ethic. He is constantly surprising me with new ways of thinking. And because he’s a numbers guy, I know I can always count on him to whip up a spreadsheet in two seconds, and show me if the plan I’m thinking of makes business sense.

Instagram: @TwinBabyRegistry
Facebook: @TwinBabyRegistry
TikTok: @TwinBabyRegistry

Expecting Twins, or Know Someone Who Is? Create Your Twin Baby Registry, Today!

Planning for two-can be so much fun!

Twin Baby Registry

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