What is a C-Section Recovery Like with Twins: 6 Essentials You’ll Need

Having twins was a miracle. One that my husband and I had eagerly and anxiously anticipated for 8 months. 

However, the reality of giving birth to two babies was quite different from what I had imagined.

My journey into motherhood took an unexpected turn with an unplanned c-section, a difficult postpartum recovery, and the challenge of adapting to a life with twins.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal experience, especially if you’ve ever wondered what is a c-section recovery like with twins, and offer advice to fellow moms who may find themselves in a similar situation.

what is a c-section recovery like with twins

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Having a Cesarean Section with Twins

My twins were placed in the NICU immediately after they were born. The NICU was on the opposite side of the hospital from my post-delivery recovery room.

The immediate separation was tough, and I didn’t even get to hold them that first day.

I remember lying in my hospital bed, too weak to even contemplate moving into a wheelchair due to some complications I had in delivery.

Instead, I was wheeled down to the NICU in my bed to look at them from the doorways of their individual NICU rooms, nestled in their tiny “space shuttles.”

It was heartbreaking not to be able to hold them right away, but my husband’s visits and the photos he brought back helped ease the pain.

My own recovery began with receiving two pints of blood to replace what I had lost during the delivery. The infusion, some much-needed rest, and a surprisingly delicious hospital meal gradually improved my condition.

Eventually, I regained enough strength to get into a wheelchair and finally hold my precious babies.

Managing Expectations

Looking back, I realize that my initial expectations of the post-c-section experience were unrealistic.

I had envisioned myself holding my babies immediately after delivery or at least being able to visit them in the NICU right away. However, God had other plans.

This unexpected turn of events taught me an important lesson: childbirth experiences vary widely, and sometimes we have to embrace the unexpected.

I couldn’t help but compare myself to other moms on the postpartum recovery floor, effortlessly moving around, seemingly unaffected by their c-sections.

 Meanwhile, by the third day, the most I could manage was a slow-paced walk, clinging to my husband’s arm for support.

It was disheartening to see others breezing through their recovery while I struggled, but I had to remind myself that each journey is unique.

Embracing Adaptation

My best advice to any mom going through a challenging c-section recovery or any unexpected twists in their delivery plan is not to set too rigid expectations.

Instead, focus on the overall picture: the health and well-being of both yourself and your babies.

Embrace adaptability, as motherhood is full of surprises and unexpected challenges. Choose joy, pray, stay positive, and remember that your journey is uniquely yours.

What is a c-section recovery like with twins

What is a C-Section Recovery Like with Twins

Even after leaving the hospital, my postpartum recovery journey was just beginning.

My doctor cleared me for light physical activities and workouts after six weeks, but I quickly realized that my body needed more time to heal. At that point, I still didn’t feel ready to jump into any exercise routines or resume my usual activities.

It wasn’t until the three-month mark that I began to consider incorporating exercise into my routine.

Those first few weeks were physically and emotionally demanding as I adjusted to caring for my girls.

The energy drain was real, and it took time for me to regain my strength and stamina.

6 Things That Helped Aid My Postpartum Recovery with Twins

  1. Belly bands
    • The hospital provided me with one, but I asked for two. That way, I could always wear one while the other was being washed. 
    • A belly band will really help to hold your body back together while you’re trying to recover from your c-section surgery. Need a belly band? Click here.
  1. Colace
    • It’s going to hurt to poop. Make sure you stock up on stool softeners ahead of time. Click here to grab yours now and have it on hand so you don’t forget.
  1. Thick, long, menstrual pads
    • I bled for a couple of weeks and having longer pads helped because I was laying down as much as possible. These pads worked perfectly.
  1. C-section friendly underwear
    • They make cotton, full coverage underwear on Amazon that have a v-shaped waistband. Perfect for avoiding your incision area. Click here to check them out.
  1. Small lumbar pillow
    • If you cough, or laugh, or basically breathe, press a pillow against your incision area to prevent it from hurting and/or tearing.
    • You can also place this pillow between your stomach and your lap belt in the car to keep it off of your incision. Click here to view options.
  1. My husband
    • He helped with the babies a lot. He also made sure I was sticking to a breast pumping/feeding schedule, because I was tired and I would lose track of time.
    • Setting reminders on Alexa helped me, too.

Round up the help of anyone you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Delegate all of the household chores you can, to someone else. You’re not going to feel like doing any of it. And you shouldn’t be expected to. You just had two babies.

Feedings & Sleep

Balancing sleep, diaper changes, and feedings was a challenge. With all that going on, it was also challenging for me to remember to feed myself.

It may sound crazy, but I had to set reminders on our Alexa to tell myself to take a break and eat. I was so focused on the babies.

This is also probably why I wasn’t successful for very long with breastfeeding. I made it three months before my supply ran out.

Looking back now, I know it’s because I didn’t take good care of my own needs. I should have been chugging water and eating more. But, in the moment it was hard to remember that.

Listen to Your Body

The most crucial lesson I learned during this phase of my journey was to trust my body and listen to its signals.

Recovery after childbirth is not a one-size-fits-all process. Every woman’s body is unique, and it heals at its own pace. 

Pushing yourself too hard too soon can do more harm than good, so be patient with yourself.

Don’t rush into strenuous activities or exercise routines just because a specific timeline suggests it. Take the time you need to recover fully and focus on bonding with your babies.

Remember that your body has just performed an incredible feat, and it deserves the time and care it needs to heal properly.

I took off work for 3 months and felt like I needed every second of that time to figure out my new life with two babies.

c-section recovery support system

Finding Support and Self-Care

Recovery from childbirth, especially with twins, can be challenging physically and emotionally. It’s essential to have a strong support system in place.

Lean on your partner, family, and friends for help and emotional support.

If you don’t feel like there is anyone you can turn to for emotional support, we’ve put together a list of resources for you here, that may help.

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when you need it, whether it’s with household chores, childcare, or simply someone to talk to.

Self-care is equally crucial during this time.

Prioritize rest, nutrition, and hydration. Take short breaks whenever possible, even if it’s just a few minutes to catch your breath. I know this will be easier said than done. I struggled with it myself.

Consider seeking professional guidance or joining support groups for moms of multiples.

Here is a link to our free twin mom support group on Facebook. If you’d like a more 1:1 personalized experience and support group with training resources, click here.

Sharing your experiences and challenges with others who have been through it can be incredibly reassuring and helpful. I know it was for me.

Next Steps

Recovering from a c-section while adjusting to life with twins was a challenging but transformative experience for me. It taught me the importance of patience with my own body, adaptability, and self-compassion.

If you find yourself on a similar journey, remember that your path is unique. Trust your body, be patient with your recovery, and cherish every moment with your babies.

I remember thinking that the newborn stage was so hard. Mentally and physically draining.

I also remember thinking that it seemed like an impossible feat to go out of the house. I couldn’t imagine taking my babies anywhere by myself because there were two.

So I always asked for help. I still do, and my babies are 3.

It was such a major lifestyle change that I had to get used to. If you are facing similar feelings, click here for a free private support group that you can join with other twin moms who can help you.

Best wishes for your twin postpartum recovery!

– Shelby


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